Sven Giegold

Hearing at the European Parliament: Lessons from the Wirecard case – Tue, 23 March, 13h45 – 15h45

Dear friends, dear interested,

On my initiative, the European Parliament’s Committee for Economic and Monetary Affairs, jointly with the Committee for Legal Affairs, will hold a hearing on lessons from the Wirecard case tomorrow, 23 March. I am particularly happy that our invitation was accepted by journalist Dan McCrum of the Financial Times whose stubborn investigations played a key role in making Wirecard’s house of cards collapse. Further speakers are Katja Langenbucher (Professor at Goethe University Frankfurt), Daniela Bergdolt (Deutsche Schutzvereinigung für Wertpapierbesitz e.V.) und Matthias Hauer (Member of the investigative committee on the Wirecard case of the German Bundestag).

The public hearing takes place on Tuesday, 23 March 2021 from 13h45 to 15h45 and can be followed live here (no registration required):

The preliminary agenda can be found here.

With green European greetings,
Sven Giegold




Livestream of the Wirecard hearing:

Agenda of the Wirecard hearing:



P.S. Petition: Digital Tax Now! – Shops are closing, Amazon & Co are making huge profits without paying their fair share of tax: a digital tax must come now! Together we have the chance to finally overcome the blockade on the digital tax: Please sign our petition and share it with your contacts!

Category: Economy & Finance, European Parliament

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