Dear friends,
One year after the German federal elections and after ten months in the so called “traffic light” coalition government of Social Democrats, Greens and Liberals, it is time for a personal résumé. During my time in the European Parliament, I was in regular contact with you via webinars.
Now it is time to resume the dialogue. What have I been able to achieve in the Ministry so far and what not? Can more be done in Berlin than in Brussels?
I am very pleased that Europe Calling e.V. set up this webinar. I am particularly looking forward to getting into direct conversation with you and giving a personal insight into the engine room of the Ministry and our work. In my new role in government, I will not be able to speak as freely as I used to as an MEP. But I will try to be as open as possible.
When? Wednesday, 19.10.2022, 20:00 – 21:30 hrs. (Berlin/Brussels)
Register right here: Link to registration
The webinar will be simultaneously translated into German and English.
Please, join us yourself and invite others to join you.
With European greetings,
Yours Sven Giegold