Sven Giegold

Search Results for: finance watch

Documents of the special committee on tax dumping

It did take some time, but on March 16th the special committee of the European Parliament TAXE started with its work. It is a big chance to reveal who bears the blame of tax dumping favoured by governments and...
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Financial scandal over the weekend: Life insurance regulation denies reality

Today, the European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority (EIOPA) published for the first time the discount rates for the new regulatory system Solvency II. European insurers will apply these discount rates to determine the regulatory technical provisions for their...
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Luxemburg-Leaks as dawn of a European Policy for tax justice

Two weeks ago began a joint action: 80 journalists of international media brought forward overwhelming evidence of Luxemburg’s organized tax avoidance scheme. Headlines of newspapers like The Guardian, Süddeutsche Zeitung and other concerning the exposure of these practices did...
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Mixed feelings

The last plenary week in Strasbourg before this year’s summer break was very intensive. This is why I would like to report back to you in a bit more detailed form. We took many important decisions, for example: Latvia’s...
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