Register here now! The agenda can be found here:
Dear friends, dear interested,
The European Green Deal is the centre-piece of the EU’s push to a greener and fairer future. In order to achieve both, a green but also socially fair transition, Social Economy must be at heart of the Green Deal and Europe’s Recovery from the Corona Pandemic.
Thus, in this webinar organised jointly by the Social Economy Intergroup in the European Parliament and Social Economy Europe, we want to look at the central role the various social economy models – such as renewable energy coops, social enterprises active in the circular economy, housing coops, short circuits, ethical bank etc. – can play to achieve the objectives of the Green Deal, and connect this reality with Europe’s Recovery Plan (Next Generation EU), ensuring that our enterprises and organisation will also be able to access to strategic investments; as well as to the European Action Plan for the Social Economy, that will be issued on the second semester of 2020, as recently confirmed by the Commission Work Programme 2021 “A Union of vitality in a world of fragility“.
In this interactive format, we will hear and discuss with top-level speakers including:
European Commission Executive Vice-President Frans Timmermans, MEPs Patrizia Toia, Sven Giegold, Manon Aubry and Monica Semedo, social economy leaders and practioners as Juan Antonio Pedreño (SEE), Patrizia Bussi (SEE and ENSIE), Dirk Vasintjan (, Bernard Horenbeek (La Nef and FEBEA), Juliane Kronen (Innatura), and Benoît Dave (5C Collective and “Paysans Artisans”); and researchers and experts as the political economist Maja Göpel (New Institute and author of the “The Great Mindshift”), have been invited to take the floor.
English, French and Spanish interpretation, will be provided.
Spaces are limited, please register right here:
A background note on the topics including a short bios of all the speakers here:
For more details on Social Economy please see here:
Please join us for this great event and spread the invitation to others who might be interested.
With best regards,
Sven Giegold, Co-Chair of the Social Economy Intergroup
P.S.: Save the Date – NEXT SOCIAL ECONOMY EVENTS – Please join us for the next events:
Nov 17 – 10:30 am | “Social economy and Roma inclusion in times of Covid-19” in cooperation the European Raoma Grassroots Organisations Network (ERGO). Details and sign-up here!
Nov 26/27 | “Recovery Strategy for Europe – Building a resilient and sustainable economy” part of the “Digital Road” to the European Social Economy Summit 2021 (EUSES, organized by the European Commission. Details and sign-up here!