Sven Giegold

LIBOR/EURIBOR: EP economics committee holds public consultation

In the wake of this Summer’s scandal involving the manipulation of interest rates at which banks lend to each other (LIBOR and EURIBOR), the EP’s economic and monetary affairs committee is holding a public consultation which will then feed into the committee’s ongoing legislative work on market abuse and related criminal sanctions.

Interested stakeholders are invited to respond to the questionnaire. To facilitate the evaluation process, concise and informative responses are welcome.

Please send your answer to by 17 September 2012 at 12.00 (CET), the latest.

Received contributions, together with the identity of the contributor, may be published on the European Parliament’s website, unless contributors object to publication of their identity or parts of their responses. If contributors do not wish their identity or parts of their responses to be divulged, this should be clearly indicated and a non-confidential version should be submitted at the same time. In the absence of any indication of confidential elements, the ECON Secretariat will assume that the response contains none and that it can be published in its entirety.

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