Sven Giegold

Anti-Corruption Summit: Cameron must shut down British tax havens

Representatives of over 40 governments agree on an international declaration against corruption at today’s Anti-Corruption Summit in London. MEP Sven Giegold, financial and economic policy spokesperson of the Greens/EFA group commented:


“Cameron has to turn his words into action and shut down British tax havens. With his power over British overseas territories, it is in Cameron’s hands to act against the financial infrastructure of corruption. A high-level meeting does not release Cameron from his responsibility over exzessive money laundering in British oversea territories. The Panama Papers contain over 150,000 names of offshore companies in British Virgin Islands.

Corruption is our biggest enemy in the fight against global poverty. Poverty is being reproduced on a daily basis through corruption. Being involved in global trade, European countries bear responsibility in the fight against corruption. We cannot continue to feed corrupt regimes. We have to demand transparency and good governance from our trade partners.”

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