Sven Giegold

Yannick Böttcher

Chemicals of the future: Green measures for a toxic-free, sustainable and competitive chemical industry

Dear friends, dear interested, The European Parliament’s Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Food Safety is currently working on a resolution on a European chemicals strategy for sustainability. In its European Green Deal, the European Commission has announced to present such a strategy this year in order to move closer to the goal of […]

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Money laundering blacklist: Transparency? No thank you

In its first public committee meeting the European Parliament’s ECON committee discussed together with the LIBE committee the planned new methodology and revised blacklist on high risk countries for money laundering. Despite critical questions from all major political groups the representative of the European Commission did not move an inch. The hearing is the next […]

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Greens in the European Parliament present Corona-Bonds proposal as European answer to the crisis

Today, the Green MEPs of the Economic and Monetary Affairs Committee in the European Parliament presented their proposal for a European fiscal response to the Corona crisis. The Greens are the only group in the European Parliament with a common position on this issue. They are calling for the issuance of common corona bonds with […]

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Joint German-Italian appeal to the governments: European solidarity demands common bonds

Today a joint appeal was published by German and Italian personalities from politics, business, science, sports and culture. The appeal includes four demands to the EU institutions and the member states for overcoming the corona crisis (including joint bonds). Among the first signatories are Mario Monti and Enrico Letta (former Prime Ministers of Italy), Hans […]

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Failed European Council: Fatal sign for Europe’s cohesion!

Yesterday the European heads of state and government held a video conference until late in the evening to discuss joint responses to the Corona crisis. In the absence of agreement among EU Member States, they instructed the Eurogroup to prepare a fiscal policy response within two weeks. However, the Eurogroup had been unable to reach […]

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European Council: Green MEPs call on EU leaders to create Eurobond as response to corona crisis

Today, European heads of government are holding a video conference to discuss a European response to the crisis caused by the coronavirus. Leaders are expected to present a fiscal policy response to the severe economic shock, most likely through ESM precautionary credit lines. Yesterday, nine EU member states including France, Italy and Spain, but also […]

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