Sven Giegold


Stepping on the brakes no longer: German government offers way forward on fiscal rules reform

Just before the summer break, the German traffic light coalition of Social democrats, Liberals and Greens agreed on a common position on reforming the EU fiscal rules. This means that Germany will no longer be stepping on the brakes in the discussions next fall, but will make a constructive contribution to improving the rules. In […]

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Current Competition Policy Challenges and Agenda of the BMWK – Speech at the 21st International Cartel Conference (IKK) of the Federal Cartel Office

I delivered the following speech on 4.5.2022 at the 21st International Cartel Conference (IKK) of the Bundeskartellamt in my role as State Secretary. For more background: Dear Andreas Mundt, Dear Olivier and Benoit, Dear heads of agencies, Ladies and gentleman, Ø  Many thanks for the invitation. Ø  This forum is a great place to […]

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