Sven Giegold

Invitation: “Competition policy contributing to the EU Green Deal” with Commissioners Vestager & Timmermans, Thu, 4/2/2021, 9-15.15 CET

Dear friends and all those who are interested,

For the European Green Deal and the target of climate neutrality by 2050 to succeed, a large common effort is needed on national as well as European level. European competition policy plays a central part in this, because green companies and investments are dependent on truly fair competition.

However, at the moment, billions of euros of direct and indirect subsidies are funneled into fossil fuel industries, creating disadvantages for green industries. This includes the externalisation of environmental and climate costs that would, if taken into consideration, make most fossil fuel business cases completely unviable in competition with green industries, both globally as well as on the European level. Thus, it is high-time that the EU Commission is looking at the role of competition policy in the Green Deal. I am very honoured to be able to contribute to the high-level event on this topic hosted by Competition Commissioner and Executive Vice-President Margarete Vestager on

Thursday, 4 February 2021, 9am to 15.15pm CET

You can find all information and a time-table for the day-long online-event here:

My contribution will be on the panel “Our political ambition: What do we want to achieve?” at 9.20 CET.

The event can be followed without registration via this webcast:

I am looking forward to this event. Please share this invitation with others who might be interested.

With best European wishes,

Sven Giegold

P.S. Invitation: Europe Calling “One Rule for All – Infringements in EU environmental laws” on Wed, 3.2.21, 17:00 – 18:30 CET. EU environmental law is often implemented half-heartedly or not at all by EU Member States. A new analysis shows that the number of infringement cases initiated by the EU Commission is dramatically decreasing. How can we reverse this trend? Register here now!

Category: Economy & Finance, English, Green New Deal

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