Sven Giegold

Energising European Democracy: Time for Transnational Lists – Open Letter

Transnationale Listen könnten den Charakter der Europawahl entscheidend verbessern: als europäische Wählen, die ihren Namen verdienen, statt als Summe aus 28 nationalen Wahlen. Dieser offene Brief richtet sich an die Europaabgeordneten, die am Mittwoch 7. Februar abstimmen, ob transnationale Listen als Meilenstein für eine stärkere Europäische Demokratie kommen. Meinen herzlichen Dank für große Unterstützung bei der Sammlung der vielen Unterschriften an Prof. Dr. Hauke Brunkhorst, Daphne Büllesbach und Prof. Dr. Ulrike Liebert!

Der Brief als PDF

Energising European Democracy: Time for Transnational Lists

Britain’s decision to leave the European Union is both a drastic wake-up call and a unique opportunity to reinvigorate democracy in Europe.

If Britain leaves, they will be giving up 73 seats in the European Parliament, thus providing us with a unique, historical opportunity to take a big leap forward by building a truly European democracy that unites people across borders.

Our proposal to energise European democracy is to give some of the seats left over from Britain’s departure to set up, for the first time ever, “transnational lists”. Transnational lists would push all European political forces to present comprehensive programmes that take into account the needs of all European citizens instead of running with contradictory proposals that are split across different countries or regions.

This would revive democratic debates inside the political groupings and help to build a truly European public space. At last, people in Europe could vote for whoever they thought would best represent them, rather than having to choose between existing national or regional parties. Citizens who have more in common with their peers across borders than their fellow nationals would finally be more connected and better represented.

Even starting with a limited number of seats, this has the potential to change politics dramatically, until eventually all citizens across Europe would have the possibility to hold all elected European politicians to account for the decisions they take in Brussels.

This is not a new proposal, and in fact, the European Parliament already voted in favour of this idea back in 2015, when reforming the European electoral law. Since then, the pulse of Europe is beating stronger and the number of supporting governments in the Council has been growing.

This Wednesday 7th February the European Parliament in Strasbourg will once again vote on transnational lists, with the difference that now there is a tangible opportunity to actually implement them in practice. This is why it is more important than ever that MEPs deliver something transformative, something that lets citizens know that the European Parliament is listening, and something that harnesses the power of the people by giving them the ability to truly speak up and to shape a pan-European debate.

Signed by:

Prof. Dr. Alberto Alemanno, Jean Monnet Professor of European Union Law and Regulation, Ecole des Hautes Etudes Commerciales (HEC) ParisProf. Dr. Péter Balázs, former EU Commissioner and Professor at the Central European University

Mercedes Bresso, MEP from Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats Group, Italy

Prof. Dr. Gerhard Bosch, Institut Arbeit und Qualifikation, Universität Duisburg-Essen

Prof. Dr. Hauke Brunkhorst, Professor of Sociology and Head of the Institute of Sociology at the University of Flensburg

Daphne Büllesbach, Executive Director European Alternatives

Udo Bullman, MEP, Vice-President of the S&D, Germany

Reinhard Bütikofer, co-chair of the European Green Party, Greens/EFA MEP

Jean-Marie Cavada, ALDE Group MEP, France

Prof. Dr. Adriana Ciancio, Professor of Constitutional Law at the Department of Law of University of Catania-Italy

Daniel Cohn-Bendit, ex-MEP

Prof. Dr. Stefan Collignon, Professor of political economy at Sant’Anna School of Advanced Studies, Pisa

Prof. Dr. Ben Crum, Professor in Political Science, Free University of Amsterdam

Prof. Dr. Sebastian Dullien, Professor für Volkswirtschaftslehre, Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft Berlin

Pascal Durand, Greens/EFA Group MEP, France

Prof. Dr. Henrik Enderlein, Director of the Jacques Delors Institute in Berlin and Professor of Political Economy at the Hertie School of Governance in Berlin

Monica Frassoni, co-chair of the European Green Party

Joachim Fritz-Vannahme, Bertelsmann Stiftung

André Gattolin, French Senator, En Marche

Sven Giegold, Greens/EFA MEP, Germany

Matthias Greffrath, Writer and Journalist

Prof. Dr. Ulrike Guerot, Head of the Department for European Policy and the Study of Democracy at Danube University Krems & founder of the European Democracy Lab

Prof. Dr. Gustav Horn, Economist, Universität Duisburg-Essen

Srecko Horvat, Philosopher, co-founder DiEM25

Benedek Jávor, Greens/EFA Group MEP, Hungary

Prof. Dr. Gertrud Koch, Freie Universität Berlin

Ska Keller, co-President of the Greens/EFA Group in the European Parliament

Prof. Dr. Regina Kreide, Professor of Political Theory and History of Ideas, Justus Liebig University Giessen

Philippe Lamberts, co-President of the Greens/EFA Group in the European Parliament

Jo Leinen, S&D Group MEP, Germany, Co-Rapporteur on the reform of the European electoral law, Honorary President of the European Movement International (EMI)

Prof. Dr. Ulrike Liebert, Professor for Political Science, European Integration

Javi López, S&D Group MEP, Spain

Prof. Dr. Aleksandra Maatsch, Catholic University of Lille

Lorenzo Marsili, Founding member of DiEM25 and Co-founder of European Alternatives

Prof. Dr. Andreas Maurer, Jean-Monnet-Chair for Political Science and European Integration, University of Innsbruck

Dr. Robert Menasse, Author

Niccolo Milanese, Co-founder of European Alternatives

Javier Nart, ALDE Group MEP, Spain

Prof. Dr. Kalypso Nicolaidis, Professor of International Relations and Director of the Center for International Studies at Oxford University

Prof. Dr. Claus Offe, former Professor of Political Sociology at the Hertie School of Governance, Universities of Bielefeld, Bremen and Humboldt-Universität in Berlin

Dimitrios Papadimoulis, GUE/NGL MEP and Vice President of the European Parliament

Paola Pietandrea, Linguist, member of DiEM25’s Coordinating Collective

Julia Reda, Pirate Party MEP, Germany

Dr. René Repasi, scientific coordinator of the European Research Centre for Economic and Financial Governance

Dominique Riquet, ALDE Group MEP, France

Prof. Dr. Philippe Schmitter, European University Institute

Prof. Dr. Gesine Schwan, Humboldt-Viadrina Governance Platform

Josep-Maria Terricabras, Greens/EFA Group MEP, Spain

Shahin Vallée, Economist at LSE European Institute

Yanis Varoufakis, Economist, co-founder DiEM25

Guy Verhofstadt, President of the ALDE Group in the European Parliament

Agnieszka Wiśniewska, Journalist, member of DiEM25’s Coordinating Collective

Prof. Dr. Michael Zürn, Hertie School of Governance, Political scientist

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