Sven Giegold

High Level Banking Conference


I am pleased to inform you that the Greens in the European Parliament will host a high level conference on banking reform, organized by my colleague Philippe Lamberts.

On the 25th of May in the European Parliament in Brussels Paul Volcker, Sir John Vickers and Michel Barnier will give key note addresses and discuss with key stakeholders from academia, banking industry and finance watch.

Find the programme and more details here.

Do not hesitate to spread the word and register here.


Draft programme

9h30 – 13h First panel: Keynote speeches

Chairman: MEP Philippe LAMBERTS, member of the Committee for Economic and Monetary Affairs of the European Parliament

9h30 Opening and welcome address by MEP Philippe LAMBERTS
9h35 Introductory remarks by MEP Sharon BOWLES, chair of the Committee for Economic and Monetary Affairs of the European Parliament
9h45 – 10h15 Paul VOLCKER, Advisor to President Barack Obama and former Director of the US Federal Reserve
10h15 – 10h45 Sir John VICKERS, Economist (Oxford University) and Chair of the UK Independent Commission on Banking
10h45 – 11h Michel BARNIER, Commissioner for Internal Market and Services


11h – 11h30 Coffee break


11h30 – 13h Second panel: Debate

Chairman: MEP Sven GIEGOLD, coordinator for the Greens/EFA on the Committee for Economic and Monetary Affairs of the European Parliament

11h30- 12h Reactions from civil society, academics and the financial industry

Thierry PHILIPONNAT, Secretary General, Finance Watch
Eric De KEULENEER, Economics Professor at the Solvay Business School Brussels
Jean-Pierre JOUYET, Chairman of the Autorité des Marchés Financiers (AMF)
Karl-Peter SCHACKMANN-FALLIS, Executive Member of the Board of the German
Savings Banks Association (DSGV)
Alejandra KINDELAN, Associate Managing Director and Global Head of Research and Public Policy, Banco Santander

12h – 12h50 Debate with Paul Volcker and Sir John Vickers
12h50 – 13h Political conclusions by Philippe LAMBERTS


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