The Permanent Representation of the Federal Republic of Germany in Brussels has started to publish its lobby meetings on a website in the run-up to the German EU Presidency in the Council of Member States. In doing so, Germany is following the example of the Finnish Presidency, the heads of the EU Commission and the European Parliament. MEP Sven Giegold, financial and economic policy spokesperson of the Greens/EFA group, explains this step towards more transparency:
“More transparency in Brussels’ lobbying behaviour creates more trust in Europe. The transparency register of the Permanent Representation is a very positive step. It is a success of our fight for more lobby transparency in European politics. Contrary to all prejudices, the German EU institutions are now more transparent than the institutions at national level.
Generally, the European Parliament is more transparent than all national parliaments and the EU Commission than most national governments. The national and regional parliaments, also need binding lobby registers and the transparency of lobby meetings. However, the transparency of the Permanent Representation of Germany in Brussels should not only be in the spotlight of the Council Presidency. The transparency of lobby meetings should become a permanent feature on the websites of all permanent representations and all national parliaments and governments.”
Transparency Register of the Permanent Representation of the Federal Republic of Germany in Brussels: