On this Wednesday, the European Parliament has voted on the EU budget 2017 and the revision of the Multi-Annual Financial Framework (MFF). Several Green amendments were adopted by majority. These include a freeze of 20 percent of the budget line, from which ex-Commissioners receive their transitional allowance payments for 3 years. The freeze will only be lifted once Commission presents a new Code of Conduct for Commissioners.
MEP Sven Giegold, rapporteur for Transparency, Accountability and Integrity in the EU institutions commented:
“There is no Christmas bonus for former Commissioners until the EU Commission presents improved integrity rules against scandals like Barroso and Kroes. To freeze the money for former Commission members is the only right response to scandals like the former President of the Commission José Manuel Barroso taking the revolving door to Goldman Sachs and the questionable business of Neelie Kroes. So far the EU Commission refuses to reform their own Code of Conduct. Thus, the last 20 percent of the budget line for allowances to former Commissioners will only be unblocked if we see an appropriate proposal for a new Code of Conduct. The negotiators of Parliament have to insist on this demand during the upcoming trilogue on the EU budget.”