Sven Giegold

Search Results for: finance watch

Overview of all events

Event register Below you can find a regularly updated list of all events I have attended. Last Update: 13.10.2020
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Lobbytransparenz 2009-2016

These are all lobby meetings and lobby input before the introduction of LobbyCal. And earlier:
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Digital event series: Europe Calling

European discussions hardly reach many people, although they affect all citizens. With a new digital event format I would like to facilitate access and fuel the discussion about necessary changes in European politics. The idea is simple: Together with...
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Peter Simon switches to the German Savings Bank Association: This revolving door turned too fast

Since Wednesday, Peter Simon (SPD) is the representative of the German Savings Banks and Giro Association (DSGV) to the European Union. According to president Helmut Schleweis, the DSGV wants to intensify its relations with the EU institutions with the...
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Green study reveals dangerous media concentration in Hungary: 78 percent of news media under Orban’s control

A study by Hungarian media expert Agnes Urban, commissioned by Sven Giegold, calculates the media concentration in Hungary for the first time: “Altogether 77,8% of the political/public affairs market is financed by sources decided by the ruling party.” In...
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