Sven Giegold

Stop the extradition of whistleblower Hervé Falciani

Please sign our petition:


Dear friends and supporters,


Political change is often only possible with the help of courageous people like Edward Snowden or Antoine Deltour. On Wednesday the Spanish police arrested the Franco-Italian whistleblower Hervé Falciani. In the meantime, he has been released provisionally, but his passport has been confiscated and the Swiss judiciary continues to demand his extradition. But Falciani deserves a European medal rather than a Swiss prison. Thanks to Falciani, thousands of tax evaders and money launderers have been identified and their tax contributions have benefited the common good. In 2006 and 2007 alone, a total of €135 billion deposited in Swiss banks by 106,500 potential tax evaders were made transparent thanks to Falciani. Delivering him to Switzerland now would be extremely ungrateful!


To support Falciani, my Green colleagues in the European Parliament, Eva Joly (France), Molly Scott-Cato (UK) and Ernest Urtasan (Spain) have set up this petition which I kindly ask you to sign:


Sign our petition and call on the Spanish government to stop the extradition of whistleblower Hervé Falciani to Switzerland.


Many thanks and Green European Wishes,

Sven Giegold

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