Sven Giegold

Webinar: A threat to our European Law? – German-Italian discussion of the ECB decision of the German Federal Constitutional Court on Tuesday, 19.5.2020 at 18:00

Webinar: A threat to our European Law? – German-Italian discussion of the ECB decision of the German Federal Constitutional Court on Tuesday, 19.5.2020 at 18:00


Limited seats, register right here!


Dear friends, dear interested,


The ruling of the German Federal Constitutional Court has provoked strong reactions and also criticism throughout Europe. The German supreme court has declared the participation of the Deutsche Bundesbank in the ECB’s PSPP bond purchasing programme to be beyond the Union“s competences unless a new decision with a proportionality test is made by the ECB, although the European Court of Justice ruled the opposite. This also shakes the stability of the monetary union. Interest rates on government bonds, especially in Italy, may rise to dangerous levels.


All over Europe, Eurosceptics are rejoicing over the ruling. There is now the threat that other supreme courts will declare European decisions to be beyond competence and annul them. Together with top Italian and German legal scholars, we want to analyse the ruling and find ways out of the crisis in order to defend our European legal community. 


Therefore, we invite you to our next German-Italian webinar on


Tuesday, 19.5.2020 from 18:00 to 20:00 CEST


Register right here.


We are particularly honored that we have been able to win a top-class German-Italian panel on this topic:


Prof. Chiara Favilli, Italian EU law expert and associate professor at the University of Florence


Prof. Sabino Cassese, former judge at the Italian Constitutional Court and Italian Minister of Public Administration, currently Professor emeritus at the Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa


Prof. Christoph Möllers, well-known expert for constitutional and European law, holder of the chair for public law and philosophy of law at the Humboldt University of Berlin


Our interactive webinar format allows all participants to ask oral and written questions and thus contribute their own ideas to the discussion.


The webinar will be held in Italian and German with simultaneous oral translation. 


As space is limited, it is best to register right here!


Please, share the invitation with everyone who might be interested!

We are looking forward to an exciting discussion with you!.


In solidarity, European greetings

Alexandra Geese, Sven Giegold and Franziska Brantner


P.S.: Our initiative is now supported by almost 25,000 people. 335 are still missing up to the threshold of 25.000. Please make our Italian-German initiative reaches even more people!


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