Sven Giegold

Heraldo Hettich

Eurogroup on corona crisis: Ministers missed the opportunity to give a European response

Yesterday the finance ministers of the euro countries met in a video conference. On the agenda was the reaction of the euro countries to the economic impact of Covid-19 and the ministers did not reach any agreement on new collective or coordinated measures, only accepting the initiatives by the Commission, the EBA and the ECB, […]

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EU Drinking Water Directive: Last round of negotiations, tomorrow, Wednesday, 18 December

Dear correspondents and journalists, The first successful European citizens’ initiative “Right2Water” becomes European law. Once again, important decisions for citizens and the environment are taken by the Brussels institutions – largely unnoticed by the public. In the course of the revision of the European Drinking Water Directive, which was proposed by the Commission in response […]

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Tax: EU Member States must stop blocking action on tax transparency

Today, Members of the European Parliament have voted on a resolution calling on Member States to make progress on measures designed to improve tax transparency for multinationals. In the five years since the LuxLeaks scandal, which showed the extent of multinational tax avoidance, EU Member States have blocked a European Commission proposal on public country-by-country […]

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Eurozone budget: decision of EU finance ministers weakens European democracy

Today, 10 October 2019, the President of the Eurogroup, Mario Centeno, declared in a press conference the decision taken on the eve regarding the establishment of a budget for the euro area. The so-called budgetary instrument for competitiveness and convergence will provide financial incentives to implement reforms proposed to individual Member States in the context […]

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