Letter of 4. Nov 2020 to Commissioner Gentiloni – Proposal for an annual EU taxation scoreboard Dear Commissioner, Dear Paolo, Thank you for taking up my proposal to establish an EU taxation scoreboard during the first hearing of our new FISC committee. For the follow-up discussion with your staff that you promised I would like […]
Things are moving forward: the EU will extend cooperation between national tax authorities to digital sales platforms
Dear friends and all those who are interested, Especially in the Corona crisis, more and more sales transactions are taking place via digital platforms such as Amazon or EBAY. But digital platforms lead to mass tax evasion and unfair competition. This is precisely where the EU is now taking remedial action. In future, tax information […]
Invitation: Webinar “Social Economy’s vision for a Green and Fair transition”, Tuesday, 10 Nov 2020, 12:00 – 14:00 CEST
Register here now! The agenda can be found here: Dear friends, dear interested, The European Green Deal is the centre-piece of the EU’s push to a greener and fairer future. In order to achieve both, a green but also socially fair transition, Social Economy must be at heart of the Green Deal and Europe’s […]
Moria! 169 MEPs call for emergency evacuation and relocation – Letter to Commission and Council Presidency
The letter (PDF) can be found here: https://sven-giegold.de/wp-content/uploads/2020/09/2020-09-11-Letter-on-Moria-finalfinal.pdf To: Vice-President Margaritis Schinas Commissioner for Home Affairs, Ylva Johansson Federal Minister for the Interior, Horst Seehofer Brussels, 11 September 2020 Dear Vice-President Schinas, Dear Commissioner Johansson, Dear Minister Seehofer, The fire in the EU’s biggest refugee camp Moria is a humanitarian disaster and a disaster […]
Anti-money-laundering draft resolution of the European Parliament: Strong demands to the EU-Commission
Dear friends, dear interested, Today the negotiations on a draft resolution on the fight against money laundering were successfully concluded. The draft text, supported by Christian Democrats, Social Democrats, Liberals, Greens and the Left, is based on a green proposal. Thanks to the cross-party support for the adapted joint draft, a positive vote in plenary […]
THE SPINELLI GROUP: A Federal Europe – the way out of the crisis
This report suggests a way to break the deadlock over the MFF. We recommend restructuring the EU budget into federal and confederal parts. Eurobonds could then be launched without changing the treaty or breaking the balanced budget rule, and at no extra cost to national treasuries. Only if the EU acts federally will it acquire […]