Sven Giegold

Tax dumping: Juncker Commission proposes only half-hearted measures

The European Commission today held its first orientation debate on its planned measures against tax dumping and published its first ideas.


Commenting on these proposals, Sven Giegold, Green finance and economic spokesperson  said:

“The EU Commission is still half-hearted and restrained when it comes to fighting tax dumping. The measures could at best be described as a small bundle rather than a package. Post-Luxleaks, EU citizens are expecting stringent measures against tax dumping. Three months on the Commission still rejects clear support for transparency on taxation of big companies. Juncker must put an end to the Commission infighting now and unequivocally endorse country-by-country reporting of profits and taxes. This unending wavering further undermines Juncker´s credibility on taxation issues. Such a proposal could even be introduced as a transparency rule, enabling majority voting to apply as opposed to tax issues which require the agreement of all member states. Greens have already submitted amendments on this, as part of the ongoing legislative process and we had hoped to be able to count on the outspoken support of the Juncker Commission!

Instead, the Juncker-Commission explicitly supports tax competition. The Commission still rejects minimum tax rates on the profits of big companies. Moreover, the text does not even contain any explicit reference to a common consolidated corporate tax base (CCCTB) on company profits. The European Commission has therefore even fallen behind the measures announced by Juncker directly after the Luxleaks scandal.”

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