Sven Giegold

Invitation: Online Conference “Next Generation Central Banking – Climate Change, Inequality, Financial Instability” 3-5 Feb 21

Dear friends, dear interested,


Since the financial crisis of 2007, the role of central banks has changed dramatically. For the Euro and the supervision of the big banks, the ECB has become the central place for financial policy. Similarly, in the US, Japan and the UK, the weight of central banks in the financial system has increased substantially. Most recently, the response to the Corona pandemic demonstrated the crucial role central banks play in stabilising financial markets in times of crisis.


At the same time, this role as crisis stabiliser raises a larger question: In the face of other major crises, notably the climate crisis and rising global inequality, should central banks go beyond their traditional mandate of price stability, and directly support the fight against the climate crisis, for example?


This important question is controversially discussed in academia, politics and also within the central banks themselves. That is why I am all the more delighted that the citizens’ movement Finanzwende and the Heinrich Böll Foundation have organised a three-day online conference with top-class guests from academia, politics, civil society and central banks as part of the project “Transformative Responses To The Crisis”.


Date: Wednesday, 3.2.2021 16:45pm CET until Friday, 5.2.2021.


All information and registration here


I am very much looking forward to the discussion with you. Feel free to share this invitation with others who might be interested.


With European greetings,

Sven Giegold

Category: Economy & Finance, Events / Seminars

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