Sven Giegold

Policy adviser for the ECON and TAX3 Committees

Vacancy Notice – Policy adviser for the ECON and TAX3 Committees

Contractual agent, FG III

This is to inform you that the Greens/EFA group in the European Parliament is looking for a full-time maternity leave replacement for the position of Policy adviser to the ECON and TAX3 Committees (fixed-term contractual agent contract of 6 months function group III).

Starting date: September 2018

Tasks to be performed

  • Advising the group’s MEPs in the Economic and Monetary Affairs Committee (ECON) and in the Special Committee on Financial Crimes, Tax Evasion and Tax Avoidance (TAX3); take part in the preparation of parliamentary work;
  • Preparing MEPs for Committee meetings incl. draft reports, briefings, resolutions, amendments, & voting lists; attending to committee meetings, assuring close contact to EP secretariat;
  • Take part in the work of the Group concerning ECON and TAX3 issues; prepare dossiers for Group meetings;
  • Negotiate and discuss on behalf of the Group with stakeholders and colleagues in the Parliament; co-ordination with advisors from related committees and the press service;
  • Assist and inform Group Members on the work in the respective Committees;
  • Liaise and negotiate with Commission and Council officials, preparation and follow-up of conciliation and Trialogue meetings (related to ECON);
  • contributing content and strategy to the Group’s campaigning and media work in relation to economic, financial and tax policies;
  • Networking with NGOs in the field; cooperation with stakeholders in the field;
  • Contribute to campaign material and campaigning in the field of competence, following up political priorities of the group linked to this field.

Qualifications and experience required

  • have a very good knowledge of economics, financial regulation and/or economic/financial law;
  • have strong knowledge of the institutional structure of the European Union and its activities as well as of the functioning of the European Parliament;
  • have very good writing skills and knowledge of organisational methodology and data management;
  • have an excellent standard of English and be fluent in at least one other EU language;
  • Have working experience in line with the function of at least 2 years, more years of experience considered an asset.
  • be stress resistant and ready to work flexible hours and joining missions.

Familiarity with political questions relevant in the ECON and TAX3 committees is an asset, as is knowledge about Green politics in the field.

We expect the candidate being an excellent team player who likes to work in a multicultural environment.

In case of equal appreciation on competence and suitability for the position, preference will be given to female applicants.

Deadline and contact

In case of interest in this position, send a motivation letter with your CV and supporting documents by e-mail only to the Deputy Secretary General of the Group ( with copy to Greens/EFA HR department ( before Monday 25th of June 2018 end of business.

Category: Uncategorized

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