The European Commission has announced to organize a big Europen congress on Social entrepreneuship and Social economy in Strasbourg, January 16th-17th 2014. The conference will take part in cooperation with the European Economic and Social committee and the city of Strasbourg. Over the last months, the European Commission has put forward numerous improvements in European law for the social economy. Now the Comission wants to discuss together with stakeholders and practiciners of the sector: What steps are next? What should the EU do further? I think that the response to this conference and the input there will play a decisive role, whether the Social business initiative will remain a singular set of measures or whether the Commission will come up with on with additional initiatives to support the social and solidarity economy, as the European parliament has demanded.
The congress shall serve as a training platform and give the opportunity to share expierence. Participants should get inspiration for the further development of their initiatives.
This makes this event more than just a conference – in terms of the European Commission the whole setup is very inviting and encourages to actively take part. It empowers the participants to work together.
That’s why I ask you: Please, take part, have your say! Find further information and the registration form here:
More details on the conference here: