Sven Giegold


Success for more transparency: Single Resolution Board will publish new aggregate data

Dear friends, Dear interested, During the last exchange in ECON with SRB chair Elke König, I reached a small but interesting step towards more transparency in European banking resolution. Much of the work of Europe’s banking resolution authority, the Single Resolution Board (SRB), is notoriously opaque. The resolution plans of the large European banks and […]

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The crazy labyrinth of European bank aid rules

Dear friends, dear interested, This chart is a must for everyone professional or interested in financial markets! When states in Europe rescue banks, there is no fixed template. Instead, there are countless ways to reach the questionable goal in the messy maze of European rules. In technical jargon, the various methods of bank rescue are […]

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Anti-money-laundering draft resolution of the European Parliament: Strong demands to the EU-Commission

Dear friends, dear interested, Today the negotiations on a draft resolution on the fight against money laundering were successfully concluded. The draft text, supported by Christian Democrats, Social Democrats, Liberals, Greens and the Left, is based on a green proposal. Thanks to the cross-party support for the adapted joint draft, a positive vote in plenary […]

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