Dear friends, dear interested, For years, digital currencies like Bitcoin have been used on a large scale for illicit purposes. According to studies, almost half of Bitcoin’s revenues can be attributed to activities such as money laundering or the trade in illegal goods such as drugs, weapons, protected animals and plants, even child pornography. Yet […]
New president of the Eurogroup: Paschal Donohoe must not slow down European tax reform
Today, the Euro finance ministers have elected the Irish Finance Minister Paschal Donohoe as the new Eurogroup president for the next two and a half years. The Portuguese predecessor Mario Centeno had announced his resignation as finance minister at the beginning of June and thus also resigned as head of the Eurogroup. MEP Sven Giegold, […]
European Parliament approved Michaud as EBA executive director: Blow for gender balance in EU top financial positions
Today, July 8, the plenary of the European Parliament voted on Francois-Louis Michaud as a candidate for the position of Executive Director of the European Banking Authority (EBA). Michaud was approved with 343 votes in favour, 296 against and 56 abstentions. Greens voted against both on committee and plenary level, because the EBA had presented […]
Success for gender equality in EU finance top positions: ECON committee voted against candidate for EBA executive director
Yesterday evening on 2 July the Economic and Monetary Affairs Committee (ECON) of the European Parliament voted by a narrow majority (24 no, 23 yes, 10 abstentions) against the candidate for the position of Executive Director of the European Banking Authority (EBA), Francois-Louis Michaud. The results have just been announced. The vote in the committee […]
Anti-money-laundering draft resolution of the European Parliament: Strong demands to the EU-Commission
Dear friends, dear interested, Today the negotiations on a draft resolution on the fight against money laundering were successfully concluded. The draft text, supported by Christian Democrats, Social Democrats, Liberals, Greens and the Left, is based on a green proposal. Thanks to the cross-party support for the adapted joint draft, a positive vote in plenary […]
The 6 most effective ways to circumvent labour law and local standards
A little essay going round and round and ending with Tönnies by GreensEFA EMPL advisor team / Philine Scholze The 6 most effective ways to circumvent labour law and local standards How to circumvent Labour law and worker protection in Europe? 1. Cross a border To circumvent labour standards, start by crossing the border. […]