Sven Giegold

Yannick Böttcher

Green light for the EU Taxonomy: Milestone for greener financial markets in Europe

Since yesterday evening, it is certain that the new EU rules for sustainable investments (EU Taxonomy) can enter into force on 1 January 2022. Until yesterday, a so-called reinforced qualified majority of 20 of the 27 member states could have rejected the proposal for the decisive delegated act of the EU Commission in the Council […]

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Public country-by-country reporting clears final hurdle: let us use this momentum to make the European tax transparency zone a global one!

Today, the European Parliament gave its formal consent to public country-by-country tax reporting (“trilogue result”). After a long political struggle, the last hurdle for this important progress in tax policy has thus been cleared. In practice, this means the following for the tax reporting of large companies: 18 months after the directive comes into force, […]

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Batteries: My suggestions for sustainable batteries

Dear friends, dear interested, Whether climate protection, energy transition or mobility transition: Batteries are increasingly becoming a key technology for the major challenges of the 21st century. But only sustainable batteries can live up to these expectations. Critics today repeatedly point out the environmental degradation and human rights violations that go hand in hand with […]

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Merkel/Macron meeting: Stagnation and progress in the Franco-German tandem

On today’s farewell visit by Chancellor Angela Merkel to France’s President Emmanuel Macron, Sven Giegold, speaker of the German Greens in the European Parliament, comments: “Under Merkel, there was both stagnation and progress in the Franco-German tandem. A ray of hope for Franco-German cooperation was the initiative for the Corona recovery fund in Europe. Merkel’s […]

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LuxLetters/Hearing: Short notice cancellation by Luxembourg’s finance minister and tax authorities is unacceptable

Today, 28 October, a public hearing on the LuxLetters scandal is taking place in the FISC subcommittee of the European Parliament. In July, the international “LuxLetters” investigations had revealed that Luxembourg continued to grant tailor-made tax advantages to large companies even after the LuxLeaks scandal in 2014. In order to keep these secret from other […]

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New banking rules strengthen financial stability in Europe

Today, 27 October 2021, the EU Commission presented its proposals for the revision of the European banking rules CRR/CRD. They determine above all how much equity and liquidity credit institutions must hold. The main aim of today’s proposal is to transpose the last outstanding elements of Basel III into European law. Basel III refers to […]

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