Sven Giegold

Yannick Böttcher

SAVE THE DATE: European chemical industry: Transformation for people and planet

Online event – 1 September 2020 – 10:00am to 12:30pm Register here. Dear friends, dear interested, As part of the European Green Deal, the European Commission will present its Chemicals Strategy for Sustainability. Ahead of the publication, we would like to discuss with high-level policy-makers and stakeholders, how the European industry can start the ecological […]

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Green European jobs: Five job openings for green group campaigners in different policy fields

Dear interested, dear colleagues, Do you want to work for Green change in Europe? Our Greens/EFA-Group in the European Parliament just opened five positions for group campaigners in different policy fields. We are looking forward to your applications! Please, forward this job offer to anyone interested. You find the respective vacancy notes here:  Two Rights […]

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Chemikalienstrategie: Europaparlament fordert Paradigmenwechsel für eine giftfreie Umwelt und Umbau der Chemieindustrie

Bevor die Europäische Kommission voraussichtlich im September 2020 die mit dem Grünen Deal angekündigte „Nachhaltigkeitsstrategie für Chemikalien“ vorstellt, fordert das Europäische Parlament am heutigen Freitag in einer von den Grünen/EFA initiierten Resolution umfassende Verschärfungen und konkrete Verbote giftiger Chemikalien. Hormonverändernde Stoffe („endokrine Disruptoren“) in Kosmetika, Spielzeugen und Nahrungsmittelverpackungen und langlebige Fluorchemikalien in Beschichtungen von Trinkbechern, […]

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1,000 days after the murder of Daphne Caruana Galizia: the system in Malta still is rotten

Next Sunday it was 1,000 days ago that Maltese investigative journalist Daphne Caruana Galizia was murdered. On this occasion, journalists’ associations and civil rights organizations urge for consequences in Malta. MEP Sven Giegold, financial and economic policy spokesperson of the Greens/EFA group commented: “Although the murder investigations are finally making progress, the systematic problems of […]

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Success for gender equality in EU finance top positions: ECON committee voted against candidate for EBA executive director

Yesterday evening on 2 July the Economic and Monetary Affairs Committee (ECON) of the European Parliament voted by a narrow majority (24 no, 23 yes, 10 abstentions) against the candidate for the position of Executive Director of the European Banking Authority (EBA), Francois-Louis Michaud. The results have just been announced. The vote in the committee […]

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Green amendments to banking quick fix: No to capital relief measures without obligations

Dear journalists, dear interested, Today, I submitted Green amendments to the proposed “quick fix” adjustments of the banking rules to the corona crisis. The Commission had proposed a set of measures with the aim to reduce capital requirements for banks in the time of crisis. The socialist rapporteur Jonás Fernández has tabled a draft report […]

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