The letter (PDF) can be found here: To: Vice-President Margaritis Schinas Commissioner for Home Affairs, Ylva Johansson Federal Minister for the Interior, Horst Seehofer Brussels, 11 September 2020 Dear Vice-President Schinas, Dear Commissioner Johansson, Dear Minister Seehofer, The fire in the EU’s biggest refugee camp Moria is a humanitarian disaster and a disaster […]
Our letter to the Presidency: Ending the German blockade of tax transparency
Dear friends, dear interested We can no longer afford tax dumping in the interest of large companies in Europe. Public funds are and will remain heavily strained through the corona crisis. It would be easy to wash billions of fair taxes into the coffers of EU member states with the help of binding public tax […]
European Parliament calls for tough examination of the Wirecard scandal and the failure of German supervisor BaFin
The Legal Affairs Committee and the Economic and Monetary Affairs Committee of the European Parliament have sent a joint letter to the EU Commission on Wirecard and European auditing rules. The letter was prepared by the coordinators of both committees. The EU-Commission is asked to closely examine the events surrounding the Wirecard bankruptcy, assess the […]
Green European jobs: Five job openings for green group campaigners in different policy fields
Dear interested, dear colleagues, Do you want to work for Green change in Europe? Our Greens/EFA-Group in the European Parliament just opened five positions for group campaigners in different policy fields. We are looking forward to your applications! Please, forward this job offer to anyone interested. You find the respective vacancy notes here: Two Rights […]
Chemikalienstrategie: Europaparlament fordert Paradigmenwechsel für eine giftfreie Umwelt und Umbau der Chemieindustrie
Bevor die Europäische Kommission voraussichtlich im September 2020 die mit dem Grünen Deal angekündigte „Nachhaltigkeitsstrategie für Chemikalien“ vorstellt, fordert das Europäische Parlament am heutigen Freitag in einer von den Grünen/EFA initiierten Resolution umfassende Verschärfungen und konkrete Verbote giftiger Chemikalien. Hormonverändernde Stoffe („endokrine Disruptoren“) in Kosmetika, Spielzeugen und Nahrungsmittelverpackungen und langlebige Fluorchemikalien in Beschichtungen von Trinkbechern, […]
European Parliament calls to attune competition policy to the European Green Deal
On June 18, the European Parliament adopted its annual own-initiative report on EU competition policy with a large cross-party majority of Christian Democrats, Socialists, Liberals, Greens and some right-wing conservatives, while the majority of the Left abstained. With this report, the European Parliament takes a stand on current developments in competition policy and calls for […]