Sven Giegold

My topics

Looking for support: Group employee in the Economic and Monetary Committee

Dear interested and colleagues, Our Greens/EFA-Group in the European Parliament is looking for support for our work in the Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs (ECON). We look forward to your applications! Please, forward this job offer to anyone interested. With European greetings, Sven Giegold (Green ECON coordinator)   Link to the vacancy notice: […]

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ECON hearing of EBA executive candidate: one-man shortlist is no list and lacks gender balance

Next Monday, the European Parliament’s Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs will hold a hearing with the designated Executive Director of the European Banking Authority (EBA), Francois-Louis Michaud. The previous candidate, Gerry Cross, had been rejected by the European Parliament due to extensive lobby activities in the past. At the same time, the Parliament confirmed […]

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European Parliament calls to attune competition policy to the European Green Deal

On June 18, the European Parliament adopted its annual own-initiative report on EU competition policy with a large cross-party majority of Christian Democrats, Socialists, Liberals, Greens and some right-wing conservatives, while the majority of the Left abstained. With this report, the European Parliament takes a stand on current developments in competition policy and calls for […]

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Liberals and Greens call for comprehensive reform of EU audit rules

Dear friends, dear interested,   In the face of the massive accounting scandal unfolding at German payments service provider Wirecard, Luis Garicano and I as liberal and green coordinators in the ECON committee have published a joint appeal for a reform of the EU rules on statutory audits. Please, see below for our joint statement. […]

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European Parliament adopts gift package for banks without any conditionality

Yesterday, the European Parliament adopted the so-called “CRR quick fix”, a far-reaching softening of the capital adequacy rules for banks in the Corona crisis. Since Socialist rapporteur Jonás Fernández has secured the approval of the Council of Ministers for the legislative proposal upfront, it will enter into force promptly. The decision was taken with the […]

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European Parliament vote for permanent subcommittee on tax a victory for tax justice

Today, the European Parliament’s plenary has just voted to support a standing subcommittee to look at tax transparency and to tackle tax evasion and avoidance. The Greens/EFA group have long been calling for a permanent subcommittee on taxes, covering the topics of tax fraud, tax evasion and tax avoidance. After years of special committees (TAXE […]

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