Dear friends, dear interested, The European Parliament has finally set up an inquiry committee on animal transports. The special committee, limited to one year, will investigate how EU animal welfare rules for animal transports within the EU and to non-EU countries are systematically broken and propose changes to improve enforcement as well as new rules. […]
European Parliament vote for permanent subcommittee on tax a victory for tax justice
Today, the European Parliament’s plenary has just voted to support a standing subcommittee to look at tax transparency and to tackle tax evasion and avoidance. The Greens/EFA group have long been calling for a permanent subcommittee on taxes, covering the topics of tax fraud, tax evasion and tax avoidance. After years of special committees (TAXE […]
EU Parliament establishes permanent subcommittee on taxation and financial crime: Green success at the right time
Today the leaders of the European Parliament’s political groups in the Conference of Presidents decided to set up a permanent subcommittee on tax-related issues in the framework of the Committee on economic and monetary affairs. The committee will deal with tax fraud, tax evasion, tax avoidance and tax transparency. This will provide Parliament with permanent […]