Sven Giegold

My topics

Expert consultation: Digital Finance and Crypto-Assets – Request for contributions

Dear colleagues, Dear interested, the Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs in the European Parliament is currently working on a “legislative own-initiative report” on Digital Finance. This rather rarely used instrument enables the Parliament to press the EU Commission for new legislative initiatives. The Parliament will prepare the ground for a European framework for FinTechs, […]

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Webinar: “Regional Inequalities – The underestimated risk for Europe” with EU Commissioner Ferreira on Tuesday, 23 June 2020, 7-9pm CEST

Dear friends, The European Commission has recently presented their proposals for a revised European budget for 2021-2027 and a recovery package. Therein, regional funds play a fundamental role and should be equipped with additional 82.6 billion Euros. However, large parts of the money should be handed to the member states without strong conditions. May those […]

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Webinar: After the ECB judgement of the German Constitutional Court: Is EU community law in jeopardy? – Thu, 18 June, 7-10pm

Limited spaces, register here now! Dear friends, dear interested, On 5 May, the German Constitutional Court declared its decision on the Public Sector Purchase Programme (PSPP) of the European Central Bank (ECB). The Court found that the ECB had acted beyond its legal powers by not assessing or substantiating that the PSPP measures “satisfy the […]

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Lead in ammunition: No longer any good reasons for using lead in the open countryside

I received more than 400 emails about a possible ban on lead in ammunition. My response to these letters can be found below.  Dear Sir or Madam, Thank you for your email regarding a possible future ban on lead in ammunition. I took your letter and the letter from a good 400 other citizens as […]

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European auditors to scrutinise anti money laundering supervision

Dear friends, dear interested, The European Court of Auditors announced that it will scrutinise the effectiveness of the European anti-money laundering supervision in the banking sector by means of an audit report. In doing so, the Court will examine the implementation of EU legislation in the Member States, the management of risks to the internal […]

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Animal transports: European Parliament sets up inquiry committee after legal action by Greens

Dear friends, Today is a good day for animal welfare! The European Parliament decided on Thursday to set up an inquiry committee to control animal transports in the EU. We Greens have been calling for this committee since the past legislative period. 2018 however, a coalition of conservatives, social democrats and liberals has prevented this […]

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