Today the leaders of the European Parliament’s political groups in the Conference of Presidents decided to set up a permanent subcommittee on tax-related issues in the framework of the Committee on economic and monetary affairs. The committee will deal with tax fraud, tax evasion, tax avoidance and tax transparency. This will provide Parliament with permanent […]
Final report on the future of the Capital Markets Union: Many industry wishes, no European vision
Today, the EU Commission’s high-level expert group published its final report with recommendations for the further development of the European Capital Markets Union. The group consisting of experts from authorities, the financial businesses and a few consumer and investor protection groups was set up after the Capital Markets Union project had made little progress in […]
Centeno’s successor: Eurogroup leader should be European rather than national politician
Mário Centeno resigns as Portuguese finance minister. This also makes the post of the Eurogroup President vacant that Centeno is currently holding. MEP Sven Giegold, financial and economic policy spokesperson of the Greens/EFA group commented: “The replacement of the Eurogroup President should be used to reform this position. If you are the head of the […]
Wrong answer to the crisis: Easing of capital rules without obligations on banks
With the so-called “CRR quick fix” of the capital adequacy rules, European banks are to be granted far-reaching capital relief in the Corona crisis. After the EU Commission had submitted a proposal at the end of April, the Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs (ECON) of the European Parliament today adopted its revised version. The […]
Financing the recovery: Joint Italian-German appeal calls for “zero tolerance policy towards tax dumping and money laundering”
Today, 65 public figures from Italy and Germany have called for a EU zero tolerance policy against tax dumping, tax fraud and money laundering. Among the signatories are more than 20 professors of economics. The appeal was initiated by Sven Giegold together with the Italian economics professors Tito Boeri and Guido Tabellini as part of […]
Invitation: Webinar “European due diligence legislation & the role of the German Council Presidency” – Thu 11/6, 15:30 – 17 CEST
Recording: By loading the video, you accept YouTube’s privacy policy.Learn more Load video Always unlock YouTuben Dear colleagues, Binding rules in international supply chain have long been demanded by many actors in civil society, including the Greens. Last month, EU Justice Commissioner Didier Reynders announced a long awaited proposal for a European legislation on mandatory […]