Sven Giegold

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Invitation: “European Green Deal: Setting the Course” High-level online conference of the Green Europe Group – Thursday & Friday

Dear friends, The European Green Deal is the most comprehensive and ambitious climate and environmental protection programme ever launched by the European Union. The Green Deal has what it takes to make Europe a climate-neutral continent and at the same time transform the economy in a socially and ecologically just way. But does the Green […]

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Italian-English-German Webinar “The new women’s movement for economic justice”, Tue, 16.03.2021, 21:00 CET

Register for the webinar here!   Dear friends, dear interested,   Women are affected most by the Covid-19-Crisis. They took on the work of the childcare centres and schools – but are not paid for it. They work overtime in hospitals and care homes. They lose their jobs because of the economic crisis, which followed […]

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Time to take stock: ESMA celebrates its 10th Anniversary

Dear friends, dear interested, The European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA) is celebrating its birthday. 10 years have passed since its establishment on 1 January 2011. Time to take stock. On the occasion of its anniversary, ESMA is organising a public online conference on 23 March 2021. At the conference, I will join a high-profile […]

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Crooked dealings: Market abuse in connection with Cum-Ex and co. must be rigorously prosecuted

Dear friends, dear interested, Billions of euros have been looted from public coffers through Cum-Ex and co. These tax fraud schemes all involve crooked dealings on the financial markets. To obtain refunds for unpaid dividend taxes, the fraudsters have to trade in shares and derivatives on a grand scale. All these transactions have no other […]

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Auditor in the Wirecard case: Fatal incentive structures need reform

An investigation by the Handelsblatt shows that the auditors at EY no longer “believed in the innocence of the management” of Wirecard already in early 2019. Previously, incriminating material had been leaked to the audit firm by a whistleblower. Wirecard’s supervisory board also knew about the auditors’ concerns. But EY caved in: Only weeks later, […]

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Brexit letter bears green signature: EU economics lawmakers call for improvements

Dear friends, dear interested, The draft Trade and Cooperation Agreement between the EU and the UK must not open the door to tax avoidance and money laundering. The Economic and Monetary Affairs Committee of the European Parliament has reiterated this demand in a joint letter supported by all pro-European political groups. Concretely, we demand that […]

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