Sven Giegold

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Europe Calling “Deadly Patents?” – How to scale up the production of Covid-19 vaccines globally” – Wed, 10/2, 8pm CET

Recording here: By loading the video, you accept YouTube’s privacy policy.Learn more Load video Always unlock YouTuben Dear friends, dear interested, Vaccines are the way out of the Covid-19 pandemic. But despite huge public investments, on a global scale far too little vaccine is being produced so far. While the developed countries will have vaccinated […]

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Big clash about PRIIPs avoided: EIOPA gives in to demands of the European Parliaments

Dear friends, dear interested, The big clash was avoided only at the last minute: Two days ago, on 3 February 2021, the European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority (EIOPA) adopted a long-awaited regulatory text on the so-called PRIIPS Regulation at the second attempt, thus giving in to demands from the European Commission and the European […]

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GameStop frenzy relentlessly exposes inefficiency of stock markets

Dear friends, dear interested, It is a battle between David and Goliath that has been unfolding around the GameStop share for about a week now. On the one side: big players in the financial sector, first and foremost American hedge funds. On the other: a swarm of internet-savvy retail investors who want to beat the […]

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Invitation: Online Conference “Next Generation Central Banking – Climate Change, Inequality, Financial Instability” 3-5 Feb 21

Dear friends, dear interested,   Since the financial crisis of 2007, the role of central banks has changed dramatically. For the Euro and the supervision of the big banks, the ECB has become the central place for financial policy. Similarly, in the US, Japan and the UK, the weight of central banks in the financial […]

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Invitation: Europe Calling “One Rule for All? Infringements of EU environmental laws” on Wed, 3.2.2021, 5pm – 6:30pm CET

By loading the video, you accept YouTube’s privacy policy.Learn more Load video Always unlock YouTuben Dear friends, dear interested, Whether it is nature conservation, harmful chemicals in toys or air quality, there is one fact we can rely on: Europe has very good laws to protect people, animals and the environment. But these rules are […]

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Elderson: European banking supervision will become stricter and greener

Today, on 26 January 2021, the Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs (ECON) of the European Parliament voted in favour of Frank Elderson as Vice-Chair of the Supervisory Board of the ECB’s Banking Supervision. The decision was taken in a secret ballot. EPP, S&D, Renew and us Greens had indicated their approval. There were 46 […]

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