Today, the European Commission has adopted a revised set of rules to implement the so called PRIIPs regulation (“Regulation on Key Information Documents for Packaged Retail and Insurance-based Investment Products”) which aims at improving the information on complex retail investment products for consumers. Members of the European Parliament are currently working in cooperation with the […]
Expert consultation on discharge of ESMA, EBA and EIOPA for 2015
The Economic and Monetary Affairs Committee (ECON) of the European Parliament is currently working on the opinion on discharge of the European Supervisory Authorities EBA, ESMA and EIOPA. As reaction to the financial crisis, on 1 January 2011 the European Supervisory Authorities for banks (EBA), insurances (EIOPA) as well as securities and markets (ESMA) were […]
Beschluss der Europafraktion: Grüner Fahrplan zur Zukunft der Eurozone
Die Grüne Europafraktion hat nach breiter Diskussion einen eigenen Fahrplan zur demokratischen Vertiefung der Eurozone beschlossen. Dabei haben sich genauso Grüne in den nationalen Parlamenten beteiligt, wie aus dem Bundestag, als auch viele Europaabgeordnete aus den unterschiedlichen Ländern.Der Beschluss ist eine Grüne Antwort auf den 5 Präsidenten-Bericht zur Zukunft der Eurozone. Diesen langen Text werden wir nun […]
MiFID II: IT problems must not stop financial regulation: speedy adoption of rules to curb food speculation is necessary
At the beginning of October, the European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA) announced that the objective of January 2017 for the implementation of the Markets in Financial Instruments Directive II (MiFID II) would not be feasible anymore. The key obstacle to a timely implementation are problems with the deployment of IT systems. A properly functioning […]
Empty EU tax package is a drop in the bucket
The European Commission has outlined its ‚tax transparency package‘ today. As a consequence of Luxembourg Leaks the EU Commission suggests to change only one provision in one directive. The Commission sketches out its future plans in a communication. Commenting on the proposals, Green economic and finance spokesperson Sven Giegold stated: „What the Commission presented today […]
Tax evasion/Luxembourg leaks: EU Parliament inquiry committee gains cross-political support and must be swiftly put in place
A proposal from the Greens/EFA group for a full European Parliament inquiry committee into tax evasion and dumping following the Luxembourg Leaks revelations today received the required support of 25% of the European Parliament (1). The Greens/EFA group welcomed the cross-political support from all parliamentary groups and called on the Parliament and its president to […]