Sven Giegold

Weiterer Brief an Binnenmarktkommissar Barnier: Kein Kuschelkurs für riskante Großbanken

Das Europaparlament beschäftigt sich gerade mit der Frage, wieviel die verschiedenen Banken in den zukünftigen Europäischen Abwicklungsfonds einzahlen müssen. Zusammen mit Kollegen der Sozialdemokraten und Grünen habe ich einen weiteren Brief an Binnenmarktkommissar Barnier geschickt.

Darin fordern wir den Kommissar nochmals auf, sich dafür einzusetzen, dass riskante Großbanken ihren angemessenen Beitrag leisten.  Das bedeutet Großbanken, die riskante Geschäfte eingehen, sollen auch wirklich einen angemessenen Beitrag in den Europäischen Abwicklungsfonds einzahlen. Außerdem sollen die Institutssicherungssysteme endlich angemessen berücksichtigt werden.


BRRD/SRM Delegated Act – Calculation of Contributions

Dear Commissioner Barnier,

First of all let us say thank you for the cooperation of you and the Commission services regarding the draft delegated act on bank contributions to the resolution funds. Many of our concerns have been addressed. We very much appreciated your cooperation.

However, we still have some reservations. Most importantly, the sensitivity analysis shows that the systemic importance factor has the greatest effect in terms of shifting the burden of contributions to the biggest banks. Since systemic relevance is the most important reason for the very construction of banking union, we feel that a risk factor based on the FSB SIFI methodology and substantially above 10% would be more appropriate. This, in turn, would also allow to recalibrate the contribution schedule for smaller banks. In this context, we appreciate that a separate contribution regime for smaller banks has been proposed. However, we would suggest reviewing the thresholds in order for more banks to be included in the bucket system for small banks.

Furthermore, we would recommend a review of the way in which institutional protection schemes which are complementary to schemes within the banking union are to be treated. Specifically, we are not convinced that a weight of nought to nine percent for the factor „Membership in an Institution Protection Scheme“ adequately takes the stabilising nature of such schemes into account.

Regarding the treatment of promotional loans we would like to see the definition in line with the wording on the draft delegated act on the LCR. A coherent approach should be taken. Therefore, we would like to see a clarification that a promotional bank is being defined „for the purpose of this article or delegated act“.

Best regards,


Peter Simon

Udo Bullmann

Sven Giegold

Philippe Lamberts

Jakob von Weizsäcker


Den ersten Brief, den ich vor Kurzem zusammen mit anderen AbgeordnetenkollegInnen zu diesem Thema an Kommissar Barnier geschickt habe, finden Sie hier.



Rubrik: Wirtschaft & Währung

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