Sven Giegold

Bunte Mehrheit unterstützt starke Position des Europäischen Parlaments zum Van-Rompuy-Papier

Im Vorfeld des am 18. und 19. Oktober anstehenden EU-Gipfels der Staats- und Regierungschefs hat der Wirtschafts- und Währungsausschuss des Europäischen Parlaments (ECON) am Montag (15. Oktober) seine Position zum Bericht “Towards a genuine Economic and Monetary Union“, dem sog. Van-Rompuy-Papier, abgestimmt.
Mit diesem legislativen Initiativbericht hat das Europäische Parlament zu zentralen Zukunftsthemen der EU klar Stellung bezogen. Die Kommission muss nun innerhalb eines Jahres einen Gesetzesvorschlag vorlegen, bzw. ihre Gründe gegenüber dem Europäischen Parlament erläutern, falls sie dem nicht folgt.
Der Bericht wurde von einer breiten Mehrheit des ECON-Ausschusses unterstützt.
Eine Minderheit von Europaskeptikern stimmte gegen den Bericht und konnte dabei auf die Unterstützung einiger sonst pro-europäischer konservativer Abgeordneter, u. a. Werner Langen (CDU/EVP) zählen. Die Abgeordneten der Linksfraktion (GUE) waren leider abwesend.

Eine Bewertung des Berichts insgesamt finden Sie hier:

Die folgende Tabelle dokumentiert das Abstimmungsverhalten bei wichtigen Punkten des Berichts und gibt Aufschluss darüber, wie die jeweilige politische Unterstützung zustande gekommen ist.

Abstimmungsverhalten bei wichtigen Punkten der Position des ECON-Ausschusses zum Bericht Towards a genuine Economic and Monetary Union“ (Thyssen-Bericht)

Schwerpunkt Abstimmungsverhalten
Maßnahmen zur effektiveren haushaltspolitischen Koordinierung und Fonds zur Ankurbelung der InvestitionenRecommendation 2.1: The European Parliament considers that the legislative act to be adopted should aim to regulate as follows:
In the following domains the Commission should be required to implement effectively the compromises that will be reached in the context of the two-pack trilogue negotiations between the European Parliament and the Council:
– creating a common budgetary timeline;
– reforming national budgetary frameworks;
– assessing the budgetary plans including a qualitative assessment of public investments and expenditures related to ‚Europe 2020‘ objectives (am 751Lamberts);
– establishing economic partnership programmes;
–  closer monitoring for Member States whose currency is the euro and that are in excessive
deficit procedure;
– closer monitoring for Member States whose currency is the euro and that are at risk of
non-compliance with their obligation under their excessive deficit procedure;
– reporting on debt issuance;
– an initiative specifying a set of programmes required for mobilizing additional long
term investment of around 1 % of GDP for enhancing sustainable growth andcomplementing the required structuralreforms
Angenommen von einer Mehrheit desECON-AuschussesUnterstützt von Grünen, Konservativen (EPP), Sozialdemokraten (S&D) und Liberalen (ALDE)

Abgelehnt von konservativen Europaskeptikern (ECR)

Stärkung der staatlichen Einnahmeseitedurch effektive Maßnahmen gegenSteuerfluchtRecommendation 2.3: The EuropeanParliament considers that the legislative actto be adopted should aim to regulate asfollows:Within an ever-closer economic, fiscal and budgetary Union more must be done to coordinate systems of taxation, and to address harmful tax competition between Member States which is clearly against the logic of an internal market. In the first instance, when all avenues of discussion and compromise have failed, enhanced cooperation should be used more frequently in the field of taxation (such as for establishment of a CCCTB or a financial transaction tax) since harmonised frameworks for taxation will enhance budgetary policy integration.Recommendation 2.6: The European Parliament considers that the legislative act to be adopted should aim to regulate as follows:2.6.1  The free movement of capital cannot be used as a way to evade tax, in particular for Member States whose currency is the euro and that are experiencing or threatened with serious difficulties with respect to their financial stability in the euro area. Therefore the Commission should, in line with its important initiative of the 27 June 2012 to reinforce the fight against tax fraud and evasion and aggressive tax planning, finalise international agreement rounds and table proposals to improve cooperation and coordination between tax authorities Angenommen von einer Mehrheit des ECON-AuschussesUnterstützt von Grünen, Konservativen (EPP), Sozialdemokraten (S&D) und Liberalen (ALDE)

Abgelehnt von konservativen Europaskeptikern (ECR)

Forderung eines SchuldentilgungsfondsRecommendation 2.5: The European Parliament considers that the legislative act to be adopted should aim to regulate as follows:
– gradual roll-over of excessive debt into a redemption fund based on a proposal of the German Economic Council of Experts, which foresees the temporary creation of a fund that would be fed with all the debt over 60% of Member states which fulfill certain criteria; the debt being redeemed over a period of about 25 years; thus creating a fund which, together with the enforcement of all existing mechanisms, will help keeping the total debt of Member states below 60% in the future.
Angenommen von einer Mehrheit des ECON-AuschussesUnterstützt von Grünen, Konservativen (EPP), Sozialdemokraten (S&D) und Liberalen (ALDE)

Abgelehnt von konservativen Europaskeptikern (ECR) und den Abgeordneten der CDU/CSU gegen die Mehrheit ihrer eigenen Fraktion

Forderung eines EuropäischenFinanzministersBV. whereas a European Treasury should beset up headed by a European financeminister, individually accountable to the European Parliament Angenommen von einer Mehrheit des ECON-AuschussesUnterstützt von Grünen, Sozialdemokraten und Liberalen

Abgelehnt von Konservativen u. konservativen Europaskeptikern (ECR)

Verbindliche EU 2020-Ziele, wieArmutbekämpfung und KlimaschutzCCa. whereas much emphasis has been putso far on the monetary side of the EMU whilethere is an urgent need for building a trueeconomic union, where the ‚Europe 2020’strategy should give the binding frameworkfor designing and implementing of economicpolicies;CCb. whereas the Euro Plus Pact, theEurope 2020 strategy and the Growth andJob compacts should be integrated into Unionlaw and pave the way for the introduction of aconvergence code for Member States’economies; Angenommen von einer Mehrheit des ECON-AuschussesUnterstützt von Grünen, Konservativen (EPP), Sozialdemokraten (S&D) und Liberalen (ALDE)

Abgelehnt von konservativen Europaskeptikern (ECR)

Europäischer Sozialpakt zur Bekämpfungder negativen sozialen Auswirkungen derKrise und AusteritätsmaßnahmenRecommendation 3.2: The EuropeanParliament considers that the legislative actto be adopted should aim to regulate asfollows:According to the Treaties the promotion ofhigh employment and the guarantee ofadequate social protection has to be takeninto account in defining and implementing thepolicies and activities of the Union;The specific rules for a binding supervision ofthe budgetary discipline in the euro area canand should complement fiscal andmacroeconomic benchmarks withemployment and social benchmarks toensure the appropriate implementation of theabovementioned provision through adequateUnion financial provisions;A social pact for Europe should be set up topromote:- youth employment, including initiatives suchas  a European youth guarantee;- high quality and appropriate financing ofpublic services;- decent living wages;- access to affordable and social housing;- a social protection floor to guaranteeuniversal access to essential health servicesregardless of income;- the implementation of a social protocol toprotect fundamental social and labour rights;- European standards to managerestructuring in a social and responsible way;- a new health and safety strategy includingstress-related diseases;- equal pay and equal rights for work of equalvalue for all. Angenommen von einer Mehrheit des ECON-AuschussesUnterstützt von Grünen, Konservativen (EPP),und Sozialdemokraten (S&D)

Abgelehnt von konservativen Europaskeptikern (ECR) und Liberalen (ALDE)

Stärkere Rolle für den EuropäischenRechnungshof und die EuropäischeAntikorruptionsbehördeRecommendation 4.2: The EuropeanParliament considers that the legislativeact to be adopted should aim to regulateas follows:The operations of the EFSF/ESM and anyfuture similar structure, should be subjectto regular democratic control andoversight by the European Parliament, aswell as the involvement of the Court ofAuditors and the OLAF.The ESM shouldbe communautarised. Angenommen von einer Mehrheit des ECON-AuschussesUnterstützt von Grünen, Konservativen (EPP), Sozialdemokraten (S&D) und Liberalen (ALDE)

Abgelehnt von konservativen Europaskeptikern (ECR)

Für effektivere Bekämpfung dernegativen KrisenauswirkungenC. whereas the roadmap «For a stable and prosperous EU» presented to the June 2012 European Council by President Van Rompuy does not adequately address employment and social policies, though they are a fundament element as the Union and especially the Euro zone countries move towards a true monetary and economic union; whereas by not addressing these aspects there is a risk of following economic policies which ignore the consideration of other indicators, and which would therefore not deliver in terms of work and social inclusion;D. whereas Member States need to adopt economic policies aimed at maintaining and creating jobs in an ever more competitive environment while supporting the transition towards a more sustainable economy; whereas, the constraint of policy making on economic and monetary matters and the lack of a balanced and holistic approach increases the risk of pro-cyclical impacts of initiatives originally designed to stabilise financial markets; Abgelehnt im ECON-Auschuss

Unterstützt von Grünen und Sozialdemokraten (S&D)

Abgelehnt von Liberalen (ALDE), Konservativen (EPP) u. konservativen Europaskeptikern (ECR)

Bringschuld bei Beschäftigung undsozialer Inklusion auf Grundlage desLissabonvertragesH. whereas the full potential of the Lisbon Treaty regarding employment and social policies has up to now been untapped, first and foremost regarding:- Article 9 TFEU following which the promotion of high employment and the guarantee of adequate social protection have to be taken into account in defining and implementing the policies and activities of the EU,- Article 151 TFEU which states that ‚The Union and the Member States, (…), shall have as their objectives the promotion of employment, improved living and working conditions, so as to make possible their harmonization while the improvement is being maintained, proper social protection, dialogue between management and labour, the development of human resources with a view to lasting high employment and the combating of exclusion‘,- Article 153(1) TFEU in general and in particular 153(1)(h) ‚the integration of persons excluded from the labour market‘; Angenommen von einer Mehrheit des ECON-Auschusses

Abgelehnt  von den Liberalen

Forderung nach einer europaweiten Mindestunterstützung für ArbeitsloseK. whereas regarding global imbalance in the
Euro zone and the current situation of
unemployment, the Commission should
elaborate on the feasibility and the added
value of introducing a minimum
unemployment allowance;
Angenommen von einer Mehrheit des ECON-Auschusses

Abgelehnt von Konservativen u. konservativen Europaskeptikern (ECR)

Aufnahme von beschäftigungseffektiven Maßnahmen ins Europäische SemesterM. whereas there is a need for enhanced
surveillance of the effects of economic and
monetary policies on the social situation
and the labour markets and measures to
eliminate the negative social
consequences of these policies; whereas
social policies linked with job creation have
therefore to be added to the provisions on
the surveillance of national economic
policies in the framework of the European
Angenommen von einer Mehrheit des ECON-Auschusses

Abgelehnt  von Konservativen u. konservativen Europaskeptikern (ECR)

Häufiges Fehlen vonBeschäftigungsplänen derMitgliedsstaaten im Rahmen desEuropäischen SemestersAC. whereas most Member States have not submitted a National Job Plan as part of their National Reform Programme 2012 and the Commission has not insisted on Member States to submit them; whereas an integrated and strengthened economic policy framework must include the principles of sustainable development, employment as well as social welfare and social cohesion; Abgelehnt im ECON-Auschuss

Unterstützt von Grünen und Sozialdemokraten (S&D)

Abgelehnt von Liberalen (ALDE), Konservativen (EPP) u. konservativen Europaskeptikern (ECR)

Verstärkte ZusammenarbeitAYb. whereas Article 48(7) TEU foresees a
specific procedure for adopting an act for
which the TFEU requires a special
legislative procedure in accordance with the
ordinary legislative procedure; whereas
article 333 TFEU also contains provisions
that allow for making use of the ordinary
legislative procedure in the context of
enhanced cooperation;
Angenommen von einer Mehrheit des ECON-Auschusses

Unterstützt von Grünen, Sozialdemokraten und Liberalen

Abgelehnt  von Konservativen u. konservativen Europaskeptikern (ECR)

Effektivere Maßnahmen zur Förderung von Beschäftigung und Verbesserung der sozialen Sicherungssysteme auf Grundlage der Europäischen Verträge1d. Considers that under the existing Treaties
the coordination and surveillance of the
budgetary discipline of the Member States whose currency is the euro could be made binding and subject to the control of the Court of Justice of the European Union on the simple basis of Article 136 TFEU in conjunction with Article 121(6), but that, from a constitutional point of view, this step should be taken into consideration only if it would substantially strengthen the European Parliament’s role as far as the detailed implementation of Articles 121(3) and 121(4) TFEU is concerned and in order to complete and implement the multilateral surveillance procedure with delegated acts on the basis of Article 290 TFEU; reminds that according to the Treaties the promotion of high employment and the guarantee of adequate social protection has to be taken into account in defining and implementing the policies and activities of the EU i.e by introducing building upon existing strategies, a new set of guidelines for Member states including social and economic benchmarks with minimum standards to be applied to the main pillars of their economies;
Angenommen von einer Mehrheit des ECON-Auschusses

Abgelehnt von Konservativen u. konservativen Europaskeptikern (ECR)

Erhöhter EU-Haushalt zur Förderung von Wachstum und Beschäftigung1e. Is of the opinion that a „genuine Economic and Monetary Union“ cannot be limited to a system of rules but requires  an increased budgetary capacity based on specific own-resources (including a financial transactions tax) which should, in the framework of the EU budget, support growth and social cohesion addressing imbalances, structural divergences and financial emergencies which are directly connected to the Monetary Union, without undermining its traditional functions to finance common policies; Angenommen von einer Mehrheit des ECON-Auschusses

Abgelehnt von Konservativen u. konservativen Europaskeptikern (ECR)

Stärkere Rolle für das Europäische Parlament im Europäischen Semester1f. Is of the opinion that under the existing Treaties Article 136 TFEU allows the Council, on a recommendation from the Commission and with the vote of the only Member States whose currency is the euro, to adopt binding economic policy guidelines for the euro area countries in the framework of the European Semester; underlines that an incentive mechanism would reinforce the binding nature of the economic policy coordination;  calls for an Inter-institutional Agreement to involve the European Parliament in the drafting and approval of the Annual Growth Survey and the Economic Policy and Employment Guidelines; Angenommen von einer Mehrheit des ECON-Auschusses

Unterstützt von Grünen, Sozialdemokraten und Liberalen

Abgelehnt von Konservativen u. konservativen Europaskeptikern (ECR)