On the 4th of November the LuxLeaks tax scandal celebrates its first anniversary. The European Parliament’s special committee investigating tax avoidance has voted on its report. The report denounces maladministration and failures of the EU member states and the Commission and calls for stricter rules against tax dumping by big multinationals.
However, the job of the committee is not done yet. 13 member states, among them the Netherlands, Luxembourg, Belgium and the UK, deny access to documents of the Code of Conduct Group. These documents are crucial to invesigate who is responsible for tax dumping and who has hindered EU institutions to act against aggressive tax avoidance.
Together with Rik Grashoff, Green member of the Dutch Parliament, I would like to invite you to a press conference
on Wednesday, 4th November
at 11.30 am
in “Nieuwspoort“
Lange Poten 10, Den Haag
to inform about:
- what we want: full access to the relevant information by the Dutch government;
- draw a balance of the state of investigations by the special TAXE committee of the European Parliament;
- the launch of Green material on first anniversary of the LuxLeaks scandal which falls just on this 4th of November.
The press conference will take place directly after the discussion of the ECON committee with Jeroen Dijsselbloem on the same day to which I will participate.
The presentation to download: Here