Sven Giegold

ExpertInnenengruppe Soziale und Solidarische Ökonomie

Die EU-Kommission wird eine neue Expertengruppe berufen, die die Förderung des Sektors im Rahmen der „Social Business Initiative“ begleiten soll. Ich würde mich sehr freuen, wenn gerade von kritischen ExpertInnen viele Bewerbungen bei der Kommission eingehen würden. Die Ausschreibung findet Ihr hier:

Call for application to set up a new Commission Group of Experts : „Groupe d’Experts de la Commission sur l’entrepreneuriat social“ (‚GECES‘).

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Following the Communication on the Social Business Initiative, the Commission decided to set up a new Commission Group of Experts entitled „Groupe d’Experts de la Commission sur l’entrepreneuriat social“ (‚GECES‘).

GECES will be set up for six years (2012 – 2017) and aims to: (i) examine the progress of the measures envisaged in the Social Business Initiative; (ii) be consulted by the Commission on the development, setting up and implementation of the 11 key actions listed in the Social Business Initiative; and (iii) be consulted by the Commission on the opportunity, development, setting up and implementation of some or all other actions mentioned in the Social Business Initiative.

The group will be made up of two types of members: governmental experts and experts from local authorities, private organisations and academics selected through the attached public call for applications.

We invite you to disseminate this information and maybe to apply yourself before April 9.

* Please consult the SBI and the actions
* Download the call for applications

Rubrik: Wirtschaft & Währung

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