Dear friends, dear interested people,
in today’s hearing of the Green Group in the European Parliament, Ursula von der Leyen will be confronted with critical questions – and the European public will be able to take part via livestream. This is a success for European democracy! We will be broadcasting the von der Leyen hearing on the World Wide Web, thereby creating European transparency.
The hearing will take place today (Wednesday, 10th of July) between 16:30 and 18:30. It will be broadcasted live on this website:
The European public has a right to know what von der Leyen wants to achieve in Europe. Von der Leyen is almost a total unknown in European politics. Before we Members of the European Parliament position ourselves on her as a presidential candidate for the EU Commission, we want to get to know her positions on European policy. And we want to do this together with you following the hearing on the internet. Since her nomination by the Council of Member States, Ursula von der Leyen has refused almost all requests for interviews. We are now countering this lack of transparency with our public hearing.
The good thing about the top candidates was that they explained their programme to the European voters. The fact that we get to know von der Leyen until after the election shows how important it is to establish the top candidate principle with transnational electoral lists for the future.
With green European greetings,
Sven Giegold