In the first semester of 2016, the Netherlands are chairing the Council of the EU. This also applies to the Code of Conduct Group (CoCG) on Business Taxation which is dedicated to eliminate harmful tax measures. On 2 February 2016, the CoCG discussed the presidency work programme. Notably missing was the topic of outbound payments, […]
Keine Verlängerung TAXE-Sonderausschuss: Schutzschirm für Juncker und Dijsselbloem
Noch an diesem Montag hatten Christdemokraten (EVP), Sozialdemokraten und Liberale die Verlängerung des bestehenden Sonderausschusses TAXE unterstützt. Wie sich nun zeigt, haben Sozialdemokraten unter Teilnahme von Christdemokraten und Liberalen aber bereits am Dienstag angefangen, einen neuen Sonderausschuss und das Ende des bisherigen Mandats vorzubereiten. Der neue Ausschuss soll auf Basis eines massiv geschwächten Mandats stehen […]
Dutch government obstructing TAXE investigation
First anniversary of the LuxLeaks scandal: The government of the Netherlands is obstructing the investigations On the occasion of a delegation visit of the Economic and Monetary Affairs Committee (ECON) I gave a press conference in The Hague on the hindrance of the on-going investigation by the European Parliament of the LuxLeaks scandal. The Dutch […]
Dutch government: Obstructing the TAXE investigation of the European Parliament
On the 4th of November the LuxLeaks tax scandal celebrates its first anniversary. The European Parliament’s special committee investigating tax avoidance has voted on its report. The report denounces maladministration and failures of the EU member states and the Commission and calls for stricter rules against tax dumping by big multinationals. However, the job […]