While publicly calling for more tax transparency, the European Commission itself is at the forefront of mystery-mongers when it comes to disclosing documents of the Code of Conduct Group on business taxation, a Council fora dedicated to eliminate harmful tax measures.
Although the Commission claims to have fulfilled all TAX2 requests for documents, together with Fabio de Masi (GUE/NGL) I checked what has not been delivered yet and sent the frustrating result to the other TAX2 Coordinators. We call on the Commission to give EP’s special committee against tax avoidance full access to all documents needed to clarify who bears the blame for tax dumping in Europe and in particular for the failure of the Code of Conduct Group on business taxation.
The current overview of still missing documents can be found here:
TAX2 coordinators state of play doc access 2016-04-19
The letter we wrote on 22 February 2016 to the TAX2 Coordinators and to DG TAXUD Director General Stephen Quest who is responsible for access to documents of the European Commission can be found here:
The letter from DG TAXUD Director General Stephen Quest claiming that the Commission has fulfilled all TAX2 requests for documents can be found here:
Letter of Mr Quest 22 March 2016