Sven Giegold

Analyse zur Griechenlandwahl

Mein geschätzter Fraktionskollege von den griechischen GrünenNikos Chrysogelos, hat eine interessante Wahlanalyse geschrieben, die ich hier gerne auch dokumentiere.


Results of Greek Elections

MEP Nikos Chrysogelos, Green Ecologists


The basic criterion for voting was to punish the 2 parties in power (PASOK and Nea Dimokratia). Anger and fear prevailed. The absence of a balanced and fair policy for dealing with the crisis has led to despair large parts of the population that do not see any future and therefore may ignore the consequences of their choices at the electoral level.
The old political system got dissolved without producing alternative policy proposals and a progressive political majority for a different governance. There is great fragmentation of political forces. For example, 19% of voters are not represented in the parliament since a number of parties (including the Green Ecologists) were left out with electoral percentages ranging from 1% to 2.99% (3% is the threshold).

Unfortunately the Greek Greens did not manage to reach the threshold for a few hundred votes. In total they reached 2.93% with 184.564 votes.

Abstention reached 35% (65.06% voted).

Based on the recent electoral law, the first party (Nea Dimokratia), although got only 19% of the votes took 108 out of 300 seats in the parliament (with a bonus of 50 seats as a first party).

It will be very difficult to set up a government that can manage the crisis. Political instability is possible for the next period, along with further dissolution of the administration sinceGreecedoes not have an effective one that has continuity.
The strengthened parties express populism and have no viable proposals. Neo-Nazi party (Chrisi Avgi, Golden Dawn) entered the Greek parliament with a phenomenal percentage (6.95% and 21 MPs!). The great strength of neo-Nazis is among the age group 18-24 years and residents of deprived urban areas.

The Left increased its powers but since the socialists (PASOK) were drowned (13.19% and 41 seats), overall it showed a decrease.

SYRIZA quadrupled its power (from 4% to 16.77% and 52 seats) representing anger and proposing a Left government, a solution totally unrealistic based on the electoral law and the current political correlations. Nevertheless, they focused on such a prospect of forming a left government which would succeed the exit from the „Memorandum“ while at the same time staying in euro, with the ​​support of the Communists (8.5%, 26 seats), the Democratic Left (6%, 19 seats) and the Ecologists Greens if they were represented in the parliament. Note that the Communist Party proposes exit from the EU and refuses any cooperation with any other party formation.

Even if PASOK supported or participated in such a government scheme, based on final percentages it would not be possible to form a governing majority, while there would be a huge gap of political views. There was very little pre-election discussion about forming a programming partnership after the elections.

The center right showed significant losses towards far-right populist tendencies and parties, althoughLAOSdid not manage to enter the Parliament (2.9%) this time. Independent Greeks -populist- party (leaded by ex-Nea Dimokratia member P. Kammenos) entered the political scene with a high percentage (10.6%) and 33 seats.

The Greek Greens unfortunately remained outside parliament for 0.07% and a few hundred votes, although they increased their electoral influence in peripheral regions and especially where they had significant local and regional presence and action.

They lost a significant force (approx. 15-25%) in the Attica Region (Athens Metropolitan area), especially in deprived areas. Their main loss was directed to the left (small percentage) but also to two parties with liberal proposals for managing the economy. Both these liberal parties remained outside the parliament and they finally gathered around 2% each. For the first time in recent years the Greens were not the main choice for young people who participate for the first time in elections.

We will gather up our strength and resources though since there are election scenarios for late June 2012. We will undertake a thorough evaluation of the results and of our electoral campaign in order to regain our pace.