Sven Giegold

Cum-Ex: European Answers to a European Tax Scandal – Discussion in Joint ECON-TAX3 Committee on Monday

Next week, Monday 26 November, a joint hearing of the Economic and Monetary Affairs Committee (ECON) and the Special Committee on Financial Crimes, Tax Evasion and Tax Avoidance (TAX3) will take place in the European Parliament to discuss the European dimension of the Cum-Ex/ Cum-Cum scandal.

The publications of the Consortium of European Journalists ( in October this year demonstrated clearly: The Cum-Ex/Cum-Cum scandal is a European scandal, which must have European consequences. Although the European Financial Supervisors were given the necessary powers to investigate dirty transactions in the European financial markets as early as 2010, no investigation took place. My letters to EBA and ESMA have not yet led to the desired consequences. However, our initiative has led Parliament to adopt a plenary resolution on the Cum-Ex/Cum-Cum scandal, after this hearing. Only then, the Members of the European Parliament will vote in plenary on whether there will be a European inquiry into the scandal. We Greens want the EU Financial Supervisors to investigate the Cum-Ex/ Cum-Cum scandal comprehensively.

Together with the invited speakers of the panel, we would therefore like to discuss what political reactions are necessary to restore the integrity of the European financial markets.

Next Monday as from 7pm onwards you can watch the discussion with Dr. Gerhard Schick (member of the German Bundestag and initiator of the Investigation committee to the Cum-Ex scandal in the Bundestag), Professor Dr. Christoph Spengel (Center for European Economic Research, ZEW) and Oliver Schröm (Founder and head of the international collaboration of the project “The CumEx Files”) via Livestream here:

Many exciting insights wishes you,

Sven Giegold

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