Solidarity with Japan – Fukushima is everywhere
Call for solemn vigil (″Mahnwache″ // „Veillée“) in Brussels on Monday, 21st of March, from 6-6:30 pm, in front of the European Parliament (entrance facing Place Luxembourg)
As a reaction to the various catastrophes in Japan, more than 110 000 people spontaneously participated in 450 solemn vigils in Germany last Monday evening. Similar events took place in other European countries as well. And solemn vigils are planned for the same time next week all over Germany again (see
Following this idea, we organised a solemn vigil in Brussels as well. Since the situation is still getting worse, we call for another solemn vigil on Monday evening next week in front of the European Parliament.
In the first place we want to show solidarity with the numerous victims of the earthquake and tsunami, as well as with all those who are put in jeopardy by an imminent nuclear catastrophe. At the same time, we want to set an example against the use of nuclear power, not only in Japan but also in Europe and worldwide. We all know about the uncontrollable dangers and risks accompanying the use of nuclear power. Chernobyl and Fukushima are everywhere, as long as we keep running nuclear power plants.
In deep shock and solidarity, we call for a solemn vigil (″Mahnwache″ // „veillée“) in Brussels on Monday, 21st of March from 6-6:30 pm, in front of the European Parliament (entrance facing Place Luxembourg).
MEP Leonardo Domenici (S&D)
MEP Sven Giegold (Greens/EFA)
MEP Fiona Hall (ALDE)
MEP Sirpa Pietikäinen (EPP)
MEP Gabriele Zimmer (GUE/Nordic Green Left)