Germany’s election year has started with remarkable results in the states of Baden-Würtemberg and Rheinland-Pfalz. The Greens defended their leading position in Baden-Württemberg with a historic win (over 30%). The Green Prime minister Winfried Kretschmann has won his second reelection after ten years of Green politics for climate, biodiversity, economic innovation and social cohesion. In Rheinland-Pfalz, the Greens won over 8% of the votes (+ 3%) and could continue to govern in a coalition with Social Democrats and Liberals. Greens won in both states as parts of governing coalitions. The CDU has suffered a huge defeat in both states with historically low results. In times of an economic crisis, this is a remarkable loss of the center-right.
MEP Sven Giegold, spokesperson of the German Greens in the European Parliament commented:
“The victory of the Greens in Baden-Würtemberg is a vote for the green transformation in the heartland of the German car industry. The voters in Baden-Würrtemberg voted for a radical climate agenda including the 1,5 degree goal. His ambitious climate and innovation agenda shows that Kretschman is not conservative. In this election, the Greens refuted the myths that we’re only popular in times of stability or after ecological disasters. Even in times of a historic pandemic and rising economic uncertainty, the voters put their trust in the Greens. It’s a great start for us Greens in the election year. The elections have demonstrated that the CDU can be defeated and majorities beyond the CDU are possible.”
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