The European Parliament will today hold a debate on Rule of law in Malta. A vote on a motion for a resolution will follow on Wednesday. Included in the text is a call for the establishment of a “European Daphne Caruana Galizia prize for investigative journalism”.
Please see below a quote from Sven Giegold, financial and economic policy spokespersons of the Greens/EFA group:
„The European Parliament expresses serious concerns over the rule of law, democracy and fundamental rights in Malta. Daphne Caruana Galizia’s work was incredibly important in uncovering corruption in Malta. I am delighted that this work will be honoured by the creation of an annual prize to recognise the sort of invaluable investigative journalism that she so personified.
Regrettably, a culture of impunity persists between political and financial elites rules in Malta. Despite allegations of corruption and serious financial crime reaching into the heights of the Maltese government, the police have yet to launch a proper investigation.
The European Commission cannot sit back and allow this problem to further escalate. They must enter into dialogue with the Maltese government to make sure that rule of law and respect for European values are upheld.
It is embarrassing that the socialists and democrats in the European parliament were unwilling to contribute to a common resolution. As with the concerns regarding the rule of law in Hungary and Romania, the affiliation to a European party family overrules the defence of European values.“
The draft resolution of EPP, Greens, ALDE, ECR and GUE:
The draft resolution of S&D: