Sven Giegold


Special Committee against Money Laundering and Tax Evasion: Hearing of the European Parliament on Malta / 17 Black – 11 February 19h00

On Monday 11 February at 19.00, at our initiative, a public hearing on „Alleged financial crime, tax evasion and tax avoidance in Malta“ will be held.   For more than two years a corruption scandal has been smouldering in Malta, centred around two of Prime Minister Joseph Muscat’s closest confidants: His Chief of Staff Keith […]


Malta: Justified tough questions on 17 black

After new revelations on possible corrupt payments to the shell company 17 black the European Parliament’s committee of financial crimes has written a letter with tough questions to the Maltese ambassador to the EU. The initiative was decided by the coordinators of the committee strongly supported by the Greens after the stronger proposal to hold […]


Daphne Caruana Galizia: Mordermittlungen sind in ernster Gefahr

Drei Mitglieder der ad-hoc-Mission des Europäischen Parlaments nach Malta besuchten am vergangenen Freitag La Valletta. Ana Maria Gomes (Sozialdemokraten), David Casa (EVP) und Sven Giegold (Grüne) führten eine Reihe hochrangiger Gespräche. Wir trafen uns mit Untersuchungsrichter Anthony Vella (Ermittlungen zum Mord an Daphne Caruana Galizia), Untersuchungsrichter Aaron Burgeja (Ermittlungen zum Fall Egrant), Ivan Grech Mintoff, […]


6 months after the murder of Daphne Galizia: Malta’s government takes no serious action against flaws in the rule of law

Exactly six months ago today, the Maltese investigative journalist Daphne Caruana Galizia was murdered. For 30 years she researched corruption and organised crime in Malta. Six months after Daphne’s death, renowned international media have started a project to continue her research. The murder has not been solved to this day. The backers continue to remain […]


LIBE-PANA Committee: Debate on Rule of Law in Malta, Thursday 25 January, 9:00-10:00 a.m.

Dear correspondents, dear friends, This Thursday, 25 January at 9 a.m., the report on the Rule of Law in Malta mission will be presented and discussed at a joint meeting of the LIBE-PANA Committee. In the report, a delegation from the European Parliament in Malta found serious violations of the rule of law. The Maltese […]


Malta: rule of law report deserves serious consequences and debate

After the publication and exactly three months after the murder of Daphne Caruana Galizia the Parliament’s delegation to Malta met. During the meeting the delegation discussed the reactions to the mission report and the next steps to take. MEP Sven Giegold, financial and economic policy spokesperson of the Greens/EFA group commented: “The reaction of the […]
