Viktor Orbán has launched a tax-funded poster campaign in Hungary with disinformation about the EU’s migration policy. The poster depicts EU Commission President Juncker and George Soros. EPP President Joseph Daul criticised Orbán for this, but announced no consequences with regard to the membership of Orbán’s Fidesz Party in the EPP Group. The Social Democrats criticised the EPP for this. In Romania the Social Democrat-liberal government is entangled in corruption.
The spokesperson for Bündnis 90/Die Grünen in the European Parliament, Sven Giegold, said:
„Hungary is engaged in anti-European propaganda. Manfred Weber and the European Christian Democrats should finally part with Orbán. Weber’s credibility problem in the election campaign is called Orbán. A pro-European election campaign is not possible with someone who has abandoned European values. Weber cannot be both euphoric pro-European and bridge-builder to Europe’s right-wing populists. He has the support of the governments of Hungary, Austria and Bulgaria and even with Berlusconi Weber had himself photographed.
The Social Democrats are sitting in a glass house throwing stones. The consequences they are demanding of the Christian Democrats with regard to Orbán should first of all be imposed on their own Social Democratic government in Romania. The Social Democrats apply double standards when they attack Hungary but do not act against their parties in Romania and Malta themselves. Values such as the rule of law and democracy are only worth anything if they are placed above party loyalty“.