Dieses Jahr bin ich Berichterstatter für die ECON Stellungnahme zum EU-Jahreshaushalt 2014. Hier kann man meinen Berichtsentwurf einsehen: https://sven-giegold.de/wp-content/uploads/2013/06/939831EN.doc
Wegen der schwierigen und stark verzögerten Verhandlungen zwischen Europaparlament und dem Rat zum mehrjährigen Finanzrahmen, gibt es noch keine Referenzbeträge, die ich kürzen oder erweitern könnte.
Meine Vorschläge im Einzelnen:
The Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs calls on the Committee on Budgets, as the committee responsible, to incorporate the following suggestions in its motion for a resolution:
1.Notes the economic and financial crisis is continuing to grip Europe. Given that simultaneous austerity measures across many Member States is leading to contraction, the EU budget needs to be boosted for the EU to be able provide stronger counter-cyclical stabilisation.
2.Stresses that savings and efficiency gains in the EU budget should be concentrated on budget lines which contribute little to accomplishing the EU 2020 objectives, including future investments; the fight against poverty and sustainable development;
3.Recalls that the EP in its resolution of 7 February 2013 on the 2011 Annual Report of the European Investment Bank stresses that „further increase in […] capital would be greatly beneficial to the Union in the context of its need for economic growth“.
4.Stresses the additional tasks delegated to the European Supervisory Authorities (ESAs) which will require commensurate budgetary increases in order for them to fulfil their supervisory role in a satisfactory manner; recalls its position that the European Supervisory Authorities (ESA) need independent budget lines and should become less financially dependent upon contributions from their national member authorities;
5.Welcomes evolving independent expertise and capacity building with regard to financial market regulation, which for continuity and consolidation purposes requires further EU funding.
6.Given the need for more, better, and speedily delivered European statistics, supports reinforcing Eurostat, while insisting that the European Statistical Programme and further commitments made towards the European Parliament are respected.
7.For the fight against secrecy jurisdictions and cross border tax evasion to succeed, stresses the need to strengthen the budgetary provisions in the field of international governance and cooperation in the tax area; recalls that investment in this field will yield additional revenue for member states as well as the European Union.
8.Points out that the programme Prince for the „Communication on economic and monetary union, including the euro“ receives substantial funding, and that reductions should be envisaged.
9.Stresses that the Union programme to support specific activities in the field of financial reporting and auditing for the period of 2014-2020 as proposed by the European Commission is inappropriate, as it to a large extend funds private interest driven non-independent advise in the field of financial reporting. Considers it therefore vital to cut the foreseen envelope considerably as well as to move to a shorter funding commitment