Sven Giegold

Questions for the ECON hearing with Danièle Nouy, Chairwoman of the Single Supervisory Mechanism for Banks (SSM)

On 18 March (11-12.30am), a hearing with Danièle Nouy, the chairwoman of the SSM will take place in the European Parliament´s Economic and Monetary Affairs Committee (ECON). We are invited to submit written questions in advance.

Therefore, if you are interested, I would like to ask you to send us possible questions, which we could address to Ms Nouy in her function as chairwoman by Tuesday, 05 March.

Please note: We can only submit questions, which are linked to  Ms Nouy’s function as chairwoman of the SSM. Please send your questions to sven.giegold[nospam]

Rubrik: Wirtschaft & Währung

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